Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Terrific Tuesdays

It's been a few weeks since I've remembered to blog about terrific Tuesdays!
For those of you visiting from ICLW: It's so easy to get bogged down in the worry, emotion and stress of fertility challenges. I have set aside Tuesdays each week to write about all the things terrific that have happened in just that one day. No matter how bad my day was (and today was a doozy) there are always some terrific things I can write about! :-)

Today was terrific because:
I had a really nice dream last night and woke up feeling peaceful and relaxed.
I woke up to find that I had guessed correctly on a blog challenge!! See the post below for more information.
School was actually quite good, the kids were following directions, we got to play outside and I got everything done that I wanted to accomplish with the kids.
It looks like we will be having a snow day tomorrow! (I really don't want one because it messes up when the 100th day will be BUT I could use it for my mental health)

Today was terrific for lots of reasons!


the misfit said...

I can't believe I just found this blog - given how extremely I love both tea AND cookies! I love this idea - posting about the good things as a regular reminder. I tend to post about good things when I happen to be in a happy mood.

Also, I read your header comment at the top of your blog, and I love it. That's absolutely it. I will come back and visit often after ICLW!

Anonymous said...

This is such a great idea. It's nice to read your "terrific things." Hope you get your mental health day...no snow here.