Wednesday, January 28, 2009


There is so much snow. Our snowbanks at my personal house are over my head. It's pretty crazy. I don't think we even have space for more snow, but that won't stop Mother Nature I am sure!

We were out cleaning up tonight- DH snow blowing and myself cleaning up small areas with a shovel when he came and snow blowed me a little fort! :-) I know that wasn't quite his intention but I thought it was the perfect fort actually. That is when I was reaffirmed that being an elementary teacher was the right calling for me. I was reminded of all the forts my dad used to dig out for me when I was a kiddo. I sat in the fort by DH for a few minutes and then it was back to work. Can't wait until we have our own kids to play in the forts that I know my husband will make for them!

I guess the snow isn't ALL bad.

1 comment:

the misfit said...

What a beautiful image! Sometimes I think that's one of the things I lost after being married and childless that I still had when I was single - I got to be a kid because I didn't look like I was, well, trying too hard. I borrowed other people's kids to carve pumpkins. I'm glad you've gotten to keep that alive!