Thursday, March 26, 2009

That was hard

My national board test was challenging this morning. If I had a crystal ball (and BTW if someone has one for sale let me know) and knew what March would bring for me personally, I would have postponed National Boards for a few years. (Or maybe I would have looked up all the right answers but whatever).

This morning has been my most pregnant feeling morning yet. Between the morning sickness and my nerves I didn't want to eat before the test but knew I couldn't go until 11am without eating. Through the entire first half of the test I was convinced I was going to throw up all over the computer or pass out in my seat. At my break I went up to pee which sadly broke the seal for the second half of the test. As if having to pee for the last 90 minutes wasn't enough, one of the questions was about food and my stomach immediately felt less nauseous and more hungry. Luckily for me Kentucky Fried Chicken opens at 10:00 am and a lady asking for extra crispy breast meal and nachos doesn't phase anyone.

I did not go back to school this afternoon but rather slept through my celebration of NBPTS finally being over. THE Box is sitting right here next to me with just my forms waiting to be copied before I mail it off to be scored. Honestly, I know no time is perfect for this kind of professional commitment but if I had know DH would be sick, we would FINALLY be pregnant and our world turned upside down, I'd have put it off for a good 6 years. But I am crossing my fingers that everything makes sense, I pass and get my bonus of $3,000 a year for the next 10 years! YAY!

1 comment:

the misfit said...

I was so confused by the morning sickness. I went back through your archive, and realized I had totally missed your post that you were expecting! How did I do that???