Sunday, March 1, 2009

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

This week I am participating in Mel's Show and Tell. Click here to see what others are showing!

I woke up this morning and DH smiled at me and said "Happy Adoption Day!" We went and picked up our new kitty this morning. :-)

At the shelter he was super friendly, showing his belly and going straight into the carrier. Now that he's home he is much more shy and hiding under DH's bureau. The puppies are being kept downstairs until he adjusts. We are looking for a name for our new guy- any suggestions?!


Kristin said...

What a handsome boy. brilliant name suggestions here.

Beautiful Mess said...

He is just so sophisticated looking. He needs a name that fits that. How about Mr. Belvedere? Remember that show? He is a great looking kitty though! I hope the puppies and the kitty get along well.

the misfit said...

Well, you probably know this, but he is an apple-headed blue point Siamese (blue are rare compared to the standard seal point, but not as rare as chocolate points, to say nothing of lilac points).

Here is the old-style "apple-head" Siamese:

Here is the new "wedge-head" Siamese (both this and the above are seal-points):

And here is a new "wedge-head" blue point:

(Of course, he may be a mix, but his coloring is definitely Siamese, including the blue eyes.) I don't know whether that helps to decide on a name, though.

Maybe - after the Siam connection - Yul Brynner? He sort of resembles him in that first picture:

The Steadfast Warrior said...

He's gorgeous! Congrats on your new addition. I LOVE cats but we can't have pets in our apartment.

What about Sam? I know, basic, but he kinda looks like a Sam. :)-

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

He is beautiful!

Since he looks siamese, I was also thinking of Yul before I saw the misfit's comment. But I also like food names, so you could go with a Thai food name like Tom Yum or Masaman. said...

He is cute. He just makes you want to give him a good rub.

How about 'Theo' as a name?