Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Stupid Time Change

I have not been out of bed before 6:30 once this week. You might not think that's a big deal but there have been days where I am actually at school at 6:30 in the morning. For some reason the time change has really thrown me for a loop and I just can't deal.

I've been grumpy, teary, overwhelmed and just feeling crappy. I am sure the fact that I've been off BCPs for 7 weeks, had no period and am going through hormone withdrawl in addition to DH being sick and there only being 2 weeks left before I submit my NBPTS portfolio have nothing to do with it.

I am just a sour pickle and am going to get back to work but I needed to acknowledge my crappy mood in writing and now I am going to try to leave it here on Blogger (please don't pick it up- I hope it's not contagious) and cheer up for tomorrow. On Friday my class is having pajama day so I know I will have a good day Friday- how can you not smile wearing your jammies to work?!

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