Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The light!!

I can nearly see it. This has been a dark tunnel that we've been down the last 12 months but I am finding hope.

Tomorrow is my national board exam and then after I am mailing my portfolio. I got my last pictures developed today and I just need to let it go. I could continue working on my entries but at some point (March 31 according to the board) I have to let it go and just wait for scores. Tomorrow afternoon I should be feeling like a million bucks.

I have started teaching at a local college which is actually neat but sadly, my class size is tiny... I don't know if they will let me continue. It's an eight week course two nights a week and I am teaching Introduction to Early Childhood Education. Only two people showed up both Monday and Wednesday. Hopefully more will add by Monday and the class will fly, although it may be a blessing if the course was canceled despite the fact that we could use the money to pad the old nest egg. Either way though the class isn't causing me too much stress right now and will be over the second week in May. I can do anything for 7 more weeks! :-)

So the light is coming, It's a speck in the distance right now but I can see it. Looking forward to 15 hours from now when I can put National Boards behind me for at least 6 months.

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