Friday, February 20, 2009

Hi ICLWers!

Welcome back for another exciting month. I have been participating in ICLW for three months and each month I find lots of new blogs I enjoy reading. I hope you enjoy what you see here. Just some background on me and I hope you'll be back later in the week when I have more interesting things to write about. :-)

DH and I got married July 2007. We wanted to wait a year before TTC but we decided when BCPs ran out at the end of March 2008 that we'd just see what happened. Well what happened was not what we thought....

I didn't get a period at all. I couldn't believe our luck. I was convinced we were pregnant right away. That's what all my parents friends told me for stories. It didn't help that I also gained some weight around that time too. I took many HPTs but wasn't daunted by the negatives- they show false negatives all the time I told myself. Well I went back to the doctor early May to find out what was going on. She took a blood test to check and see if I was pregnant and some other vials to check my hormone levels. About 4 days later the doctor called me herself!!! I took a deep breath ready for her to congratulate me...

There I was standing in my classroom (I teach kindergarten) watching my students out at recess. I was smiling out at them as she told me that not only was I not pregnant, she suspected I had something called PCOS which she told me is the leading cause of infertility among women my age. I sat down and just cried. I remember writing down the acronym and the number for the RE she was going to set me up with. I wasn't even able to call DH right away. My students came in and I got it back together but it was the hardest day of my adult life so far. All I wanted was for the kids to go away so I could do research and then there was the call to DH to make.

I made it through the day and DH was great once I talked with him. We finally got into the RE who is going to help us but it hasn't been easy... and it isn't feeling like it's getting much easier now. I am learning about my body and what PCOS means for me. DH and I took some time off from TTC and went back on BCPs at the advice of our RE but we have abandoned them for now and are trying to learn about my cycles and to find out if I can even ovulate naturally. We are headed back to the RE in April or May to start clomid rounds. Until then, DH and I are doing all we can!

Thanks for reading today. Now you know where I am coming from and where we are hoping to go. I hope you'll come back and visit again! :-)


Erin said...

Here from ICLW. Thanks for the introduction post, I enjoyed it.

I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis, I know IF can be hard especially when you were never expecting it.

Good Luck with your RE and the clomid, my little clomid baby is due in just a few days. So it can work.

Misty said...

My sister in law is a teacher and has PCOS. She says that sometimes it is really hard to be a teacher and deal with IF at the same time. Wishing you the best of luck.

VA Blondie said...

Wishing you the best.

I also have PCOS, and the IF that seems to go with it. Dealing with both is not very fun. I understand.

From ICLW.

Michelle said...

Here from ICLW and I too have PCOS. It is so difficult and I am sorry you have to. I wish you the best in your journey because I do understand how difficult it is!