Monday, June 29, 2009

Hooray For Dishwashers!

I fully appreciated the wonder that is a dishwasher today. Washing dishes is a chore that I don't really mind doing. It's just DH and I so we don't create a lot of dishes, and it feels productive and makes my hands all nice and clean. It's a nice quiet way to wrap up the day and I really don't mind it

Today however I found a good dozen containers in DH's car that needed to be washed. They were full of weeks old pasta salad and my weak stomach couldn't handle the smell. That's when I fully appreciated my dishwasher. I could just load those stinky puppies in there and not deal with them until they were lemon fresh. Ahhhhhhhhh

Hooray for dishwashers! And just so my other favorite appliances don't feel left out, hooray for washing machines too! (I've always loved those and hope to open a laundromat when I retire from teaching... ahhhh the smell of clean laundry and dryer sheets!) :-) The rainy weather is really forcing me to entertain myself unconventionally!

1 comment:

the misfit said...

He, he. I'm a fan of laundry too, but for some reason not doing dishes. Maybe because we've never had a dishwasher that could get them clean without us pre-washing them first...