Friday, February 12, 2010


I survived my first week back at work. I know, I know, it's not like it's a jungle or anything challenging, but my first week away from my baby.... that was an emotional challenge that I'd dare Bear Grills to survive.

Monday was tough. I cried the whole way to work, and then I got mad. I am a teacher and my LTS (long term sub) had completely changed everything in my classroom. I was able to direct much of my emotion into getting things back in order. Baby G was with my mom Monday and I called lots while trying to balance my professional responsibilities with pumping and taking care of myself emotionally. Thankfully I have a supportive staff at work and everyone was great. Tuesday was better but not by much.... Wednesday was tough again because G was with her Godmother who had never babysat her before.... Thursday was great because my mom brought G to visit :-) And then Friday was a breeze knowing I'd be on vacation with her for a whole week!!

Ahhhhhh It was hard for sure, after break will be tough again because then she'll be at daycare and I won't be able to call on every break I have (at least not for too long!!). She and I are going over to the daycare on Tuesday so the other kids can meet her and I can see it in action.... here's hoping it goes well. But it's only 15 weeks and then I am on summer break and I can pull her out if I want. But I am sure it will work out fine, it's just another unknown for now.

But, I survived week one.... let's see how week two goes!

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