Monday, February 1, 2010

Back to work soon...

How can I leave this face? HONESTLY. (and that is so not even her cutest picture) I go back to work on Monday.... 6 days.... I cannot even imagine how that is going to work out for me. I've been extra emotional this week and I think it has to do with my impending return to work. Oh, I know she'll be fine. My first week back she's staying with family and then I have my February vacation. But after that, the first morning at daycare, I see being a real struggle for me. The daycare we've chosen is great. Amazingly clean, and the people are so sweet. They keep saying how blessed they are to have her. I know she'll be in good hands... they just won't be my hands and that's tough. I am trying to come to peace with the fact that even though they won't be doing things my way, it doesn't mean it is the wrong way.

When I was getting ready to give up control of my classroom to my long term sub I had some anxiety about that too.... her not doing things my way but you know what? It's good for the kiddos to see another style of teaching especially since I had 14/19 kids last year in kindergarten as well. When I went to check on them, they were just fine.

I know Miss G will be great and they'll take wonderful care of her, but darn, I am going to miss those little cheeks and her perfect toes, and her smile just after a burp and those little giggles she lets out while she's sleeping, and most of all I'll miss playing with her and cuddling her. We are in a nice flexible routine here and I just cannot imagine going back to my regular routine.

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