Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New plan... win the lottery!

So it's no secret I am having trouble thinking about going back to work. (see post below) I actually love my job but it just feels a million miles from where I am right now. I brought the baby in when she was 5 weeks old and I wanted to run away from there as fast as I'd arrived. The kids were all happy to see me, and I them, but it was a grim reminder of my having to leave my baby. She and I are going back this afternoon and I am going to meet with the woman who has been teaching my classroom and start planning for my return on Monday. I've been talking with my sub all along but this will be it. Although I start teaching Monday, I will begin working as soon as I am done this blog post.

The extra tears and emotion are really getting to DH. He just got a job with a nice raise and asked me if I thought we could now afford for me to take off the rest of the school year and I'd just start fresh in September. As nice as that would be, we can't. My job has the health insurance and we need health insurance with the baby. Also I'd be giving up almost half my salary and while we *could* do it, we'd have to buckle down and have no extras. Plus, who's to say that it would be any easier in September? She'll be doing a whole bunch of new stuff that I won't want to miss. So I have a new plan.... win the lottery and I can take off the remainder of the school year and buy private insurance or go on COBRA. What do you think? Wish me luck!

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