Wednesday, October 1, 2008


So DH and I have taken to playing cards with my parents. At first it was just cribbage and that was a fun thing to do after Sunday night dinners. Then a few weeks ago my parents wanted to teach us a different game (which I have no idea how to spell so I will use my phonics knowledge) Shalamine.

This is a game that I always watched my parents play with my memere and pepere but I've never played. I was excited to learn this game that the grown ups always played and it was pretty fun the first few hands. Then the reminiscing started in about my pepere who passed away 10 years ago (WOW I can't believe it's been that long) and it was actually quite hard. My parents were telling stories about him and it was making me sad to think that I didn't get to know him in the ways they were talking about....

It's nice that DH and I are starting a new tradition with my parents but it just saddens me that someday it might be us reminiscing about how pepere (my dad) used to play, and couldn't stand to loose, and would try to cheat....

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