Sunday, November 30, 2008

Show and Tell 2

Show and Tell

Show and Tell time again!

I love to knit. Today, DH had to go into work for a few hours, then FIL and DH went off to do some Christmas shopping leaving me to my own devices for the better part of the day.

Oh I have PLENTY of work I could be doing, in fact I *should* be typing up my response to Entry 2 for my NBPTS but instead I decided to take the day for me and to just knit...

I made the 2 hour scarf found on the Lion Brand website and I think it came our pretty good... and I did it- tassels and all in 3 hours! I am so inspired and motivated that my NBPTS will have to wait until tomorrow while I knit a matching hat for my mother for Christmas!


Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Three hours, wow! I was always a slooooow knitter. Pretty good, but slow.

Sam said...

Huh, three hours!? Wow, I can't even knit at all so I am doubly impressed!! Sounds as though someone might be getting a good Christmas present!

Kristin said...

That is a lovely scarf. I haven't learned to knit yet (just crochet for now) but I intend to one day. said...

Wow....that is so cool. said...

I am not a knitting person...If I do decide to learn, it will be embroidery for me, maybe even learn to make quilts.