Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Should've tried for perfect attendance...

I decided to take today off to go to my dentist and doctor's appointments and to rest my feet a little bit... who knew it would kick me so hard in the butt?!

Got a call from Dentist first thing asking if I could come later because the person before me was running late... I couldn't because I had my weekly OB appointment right after. They were not impressed by my reluctance to be accomidating but they let me keep my appointment anyway. So I get through that and head to the OB where I was supposed to get H1N1 vaccine. Well Dr and I both forgot about it and I didn't realize until on my way home...
As I was being pulled over by the police for not having my car inspected. Yeah, so I've been pulled over a good 10 times in the last 13 years (since I've had my license) for speeding and not one ticket. 2 weeks before I am due and I get pulled over and given a $133 ticket for not being inspected. AUGHHHHHH

Next went to see DH at his work, he offered to take me to lunch. Halfway there he realizes, he doesn't have his wallet. Not a HUGE deal but it would have been nice to be treated to lunch instead of treating him. Then off to get my car inspected (now this was the time of the day I was supposed to be resting my swollen feet mind you) and they failed my car for my license plate light being out.

SERIOUSLY?! They would replace it but it was near $20 and DH could do it at home tonight for $2. So they told me I could pay and if I brought it back fine tomorrow they'd pass my car. I went to pay and their credit card machine was down. I said I'd write a check but what did I Find? An empty checkbook of course and who carries cash?! I burst into tears because I was simply at the end of my rope.

By the time I got home the dishwasher repair guy was there waiting to tell me my dishwasher is a piece of junk. AUGHHH It was just the longest day ever and nothing went as I had planned. I KNEW I should have tried for perfect attendance at work this semester.

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