Sunday, November 22, 2009

She's HERE!!

On November 18, 2009 my baby girl G entered the world.

Here's how it happened...
At 1:00 that morning I started having regular contractions every 6 minutes. I watched the clock for 3 hours and then took a bath... At 4:00 I woke up DH and asked him "are you ready to have our baby today??" He chuckled in his sleep then turned over and said "REALLY?!" I told him I didn't know but I thought I was in labor. We called the Dr. and she said to head to the hospital within the hour. DH decided that he needed a haircut before we left. So there we were at 4:30 am I am contracting while trying to pack (hello not due for 3 days why would we be ready- Dr had told me the day before I'd be going until the first week of Dec.) and DH was giving himself a haircut in the bathroom. It was quite the sight I am sure. He kept coming out of the bathroom with a big grin on his face and saying "our little baby is coming!!"

It was always my plan to take MY car to the hospital. For one thing my husband drives a Jeep and it has a lift kit on it. I cannot get into the Jeep easily on the best of days, let alone pregnant, and let alone in labor but nonetheless he insisted. I got into the Jeep and let me tell you, every bump made a stronger contraction come on. NOT fun! We finally go to the hospital just before 5 and were ready for business.... or so we thought.

They checked me and I was not dialated or effaced at all. High and closed they called me. They told me to walk around the hospital and get checked again in 2 hours because maybe things were starting. 2 hours later, nothing. I was in so much pain however they would not let me go home and instead found a room for me to sleep the day away in so they could observe me and figure out what to do. At 4:00 FINALLY I was dilated to 4 cm and they moved me back to Labor and Delivery.

Took a nice tubby in the jacuzzi at 5:30 and when I got out at 6:00 they told me I was 8 cm. Things were moving fast! DH took a break to get some dinner and my mom came to spend the next few minutes with me. That didn't last long. At 7:00 they said I was 9+ and to get ready to push!!! My mother RAN from the delivery room to get DH and we were off!!

Almost 2 hours of pushing and 1 episiotomy later, my baby girl was born. I was so convinced she was a boy, when DH announced we had a girl, I had to look. They wouldn't let me have her right away, the cord had been around her neck and they were concerned about her heart rate (that's why the episotomy). I sent DH over to watch her while I got stitched up and finished business and I looked over at them and she had his finger gripped in her little fist. He was in love. He did come back and let me know what was happening and it was scary, they called NICU down to look at her but they were not telling us why. FINALLY they all deemed her fine and I was able to hold her. AMAZING. She is absolutely PEFRECT. I know everyone thinks their own baby is perfect, but she really is. We had to pick a name quickly since we hadn't really committed to one for a girl and we agreed right away.

It was a long and painful day at the hospital but my baby girl arrived by natural birth and I could not be happier.

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