Monday, January 11, 2010

New Year's Goal #2

To do less, better at work. I have used work as an escape in the past. I've always (well with the exception of my first year) felt incredibly in control of my professional life and have always done as much as I can physically (if not always mentally) handle. Taking multiple classes, teaching at the college level, signing up for extra committees, working on curriculum, and serving as a mentor for both current and pre-service teachers. And I've done well with all those things, but I've been unable to throw all of me into all of those things.... for obvious reasons- there's only so much time and energy.

So my new year's goal #2 is to focus on a couple things that are really important to me, and to do those well. Quality, not quantity. I will continue being my grade span rep for the ELA committee, I will continue to help current and preservice teachers, and I will continue to be an active part of our PLC team(s). I will also make a commitment to be out of school by 4:00 at the latest at least 3 days a week. (By 3:30 on Fridays). My priorities have shifted in a big way now and I will no longer use school as my escape. I have everything I could ever want here at home, and I intend to enjoy my husband and daughter as much as I can. They are far more important in the long run than any committee I will ever serve on.

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