Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu

My husband works in the transportation industry. He called me this afternoon saying I had to call him back immediately. I called on my walk down the hall from class to drama club with 31 kids following me. He said this "I have been exposed to the swine flu. Your parents said you can stay with them, we are not risking you and the baby right now." Choking back tears I hung up because as I said, 31 kids following me like little ducklings down the hallway.

After drama club I called him back to get more information because I am determined NOT to panic about this swine flu thing. Apparently one of his employees MAY have it, we are waiting for the test results. I called my doctor who promised to call right back but that was 1 hr 45 minutes ago. DH and I are now in separate rooms of the house yelling to each other as needed. I am cooking dinner and he will eat somewhere that I am not. This is crazy.

This baby was conceived after doctors told me it wouldn't happen on our own, during an economic depression, and with the threat of swine flu. If this child makes it to term, Goober is going to be the strongest little kiddo alive. It just feels like the odds are really stacked against this pregnancy right now and I am feeling discouraged.... I hope the doctor calls soon to cheer me up and say there's no threat of me getting it, in fact pregnancy makes you immune to the flu! :-)

**Update** The doctor did NOT say that being pregnant makes you immune in fact it makes you slightly more susceptible. I have been advised to stay away from my husband for 48 hours. If the tests come back negative tomorrow then I can go home, if they are positive the doctors need me to call in and I may need to be away for up to 7 days. Not to mention they've already closed a school and daycare near where I teach for the next 7 days.... my father is encouraging me to call my principal right now but I this is just suspected and 3rd hand from me.... Amazing how quickly this is all moving.

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