Old daycare called yesterday when she didn't show up. I told them she had a drs appt (true) and that we'd call them later to let them know what's going on (not true). G had an awesome day at new daycare and each time I called, they didn't rush me off the phone and encouraged me to call again to see how she was doing.
Last night though I knew we had to let Old daycare know she wouldn't be in today as well... DH offered and I took him up on the offer. They asked why and he said he didn't want to get into it but that they should receive a letter tomorrow. The man said "so no notice and no payment." DH said just read the letter and we can talk about it if you'd like. Not even 2 minutes later both our cell phones started ringing.
I answered mine thinking I'd hang up if I got uncomfortable but it was the wife. She asked if I knew DH had quit daycare... of course I knew! And she hoped it was nothing they did. That's when I shared with her how uncomfortable I was with one provider there with all those children. She launched into a story about how terrible her health is (not helping your case!!) and how it was the last appointment of the day. I told her I understood and I do not begrudge her her health and know about needing to go to the dr but it wasn't a one off thing and reminded her how she took a pilates class during daycare hours with my mother in law! She protested that she could take those classes at night if that would be better....
I told her I need to look out for my daughter, we do not believe they held up their end of the contract and if they'd like to pursue the 2 week notice money they were welcome to. She told me she was going to let it go, kept telling me how sick she was and I simply told her, we like you as a person but I need to have G in a space that's safer at this point. What's funny though is she seemed most hurt that we lied on Friday when we gave our notice. I explained that we didn't want her to be mad at us and take it out on G and that we intended to have G stay there this week and honor half of our notice but I thought about it all weekend and just couldn't send her back.... especially when new daycare said they'd take her right away.
It didn't go the way I planned but I am glad it's done. Today they will get the letter with everything in writing that we discussed last night. I've contacted my friends who also attend this daycare to let them know exactly why we are quitting (my MIL didn't think it ok to tell them the truth!) and DH and I are wrestling with calling DHHS for the safety of the other children. I hate to do it but what if something happened to a child while there was one caregiver?? I am glad she and I talked it out and now I know that she understands why we're quitting.