Sunday, September 13, 2009

What Comes Next....

That's what DH asked me last night. We're just sitting around getting ready to watch a DVD and he turns to me and asks "what comes next?" I replied "bed." but unfortunately his question was not so basic. He wanted to know what our next big life step is...

He shared that since we've been together I've always had a plan for where we are going. Having a baby was the last thing in my big plan... but he wants to know what's next. I simply do not know. I feel like I am finally seeing the finish line at the end of my marathon and am ready to live. Job I enjoy (check), Master's Degree (check), Home (check), Baby (almost check), contented feeling (check). I am ready to relax and stop the crazy planning that has been my entire life. He is just getting on board and enjoying the planning and goal setting....

I do so love him, but I need a few moments to celebrate coming to the end of so many of my goals... Perhaps the next goal can be his, he can find a job he enjoys, or work towards his next degree... I don't know. All I know is that for 2010 my only goal is to enjoy the hard work and luck we've had over the last couple of years and appreciate my little family. That's what's next for me.... oh after bed that is!

1 comment:

the misfit said...

I haven't thought about "what comes next" (well, yes, but in a totally different way) - what a blessing to have that question. I love your idea that your DH should work on his priorities now. IF can make spouses rugged individualists - he should work on a happy, healthy life too!