Friday, August 7, 2009

So much for free time!

I always have the best intentions when I have a little free time on my hands but so often, it goes by with much less getting done than I expected. I had *most* of this week off. My team at work decided they all wanted to meet on Monday, my first day off all summer so my vacation began Tuesday. The week hasn't been too exciting but that's been just what I've needed. I spent one day with a friend of mine and her children catching up. I did lunches with DH a couple of days, saw friends and family, and watched a LOT of FRIENDS DVDs. I just love that show! I

t's funny how many times I've seen them but it seems they always fit at a different part of my life. Last summer I watched the episodes with Monica and Chandler struggling with fertility and moving into adoption endlessly but couldn't watch any of Rachel's pregnancy. This summer I watched Rachel's pregnancy through new eyes, and had a much deeper appreciation for the Monica and Chandler struggles.

Next week is my last week off and then I need to go back. I am filling my last week of break with massages, medical appointments, and more lunch dates with friends and family I cannot see as much once school begins. An enjoyable vacation to be sure, just not much for free time and the stack of books sitting beside my bed!

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