Saturday, August 8, 2009

School Next Year

About a month ago we all received an e-mail from our principal giving us the current budget update. The e-mail was positive overall until the last line which said something to the effect of: "I was questioned about how many kindergartens we had. I think that it will be ok for now, but I thought it best to let you all know." I teach kindergarten. I am still (after 5 years) the newest teacher in my building. That was my position they were discussing at the meeting. When we left for summer break we each had 12 students on our list. That's low but do you know how much I can teach 12 kids?! And compared to the fact that I had 19 last year, no help, and 13 of those 19 were boys. Man I could do some real work with 12 kids and get them on a solid path....

I of course went to speak with my boss who assured me that *hopefully* it wouldn't come up again but if it did I may be relocated to another school. I would still have a job, but it may not be the one I want in the building I want. He told me there was a 25% chance of that. Since then the percentage chances have gone up and down and last week he shared with me that he will not make the decision until the end of August. So at 28 weeks pregnant in the heat and humidity of August I may have to pack an entire classroom and move to a completely new building with new people, expectations, routines, and rules.

Any year I'd be upset, but this year in particular I am feeling extremely overwhelmed. Now he's hoping to keep me in the building and same room but perhaps teaching another grade level. This is the year I feel I have to be the most prepared due to my maternity leave. I wanted to have the bulk of the year planned out and prepped just in case anything happened and now everything is up in the air. Luckily this has forced me to really take this week off and next week as well since I am unable to prepare for the unknown. *Hoepfully* decisions will be made in the near future.... but for now it's scary. I was thinking that perhaps this would be the first year I didn't have back to school jitters but I guess I was wrong...

1 comment:

K.T. said...

I TOTALLY feel for you! I am moving schools this year as well because of budget reasons. I will be teaching at a new school and a new grade level. This will be my 3rd grade level in 4 years. I keep getting told that this is good experience for me and it is. But, now that we have foundo out I'm pregnant I'm really nervous about the year. I'm going to be learning as I go and I want to make sure I'm leaving a good base for the subsitute. Plus, I know it will be hard on my new team - but hey it wasn't my choice to move. I really hope you don't have to move and get to teach your 12 kinders. That would be divine!