Sunday, August 23, 2009

DH Vent

For the record let me state that I love my DH more than anything. He is wonderful to me, he is the one I am meant to spend my life with. That being said I have a vent... (loooong)

Today was planned to be our get work done around the house day. We had friends and family volunteer to come and help us, it was going to be a major step forward in being ready for the baby. The boys were going to cut down the trees in the yard while the girls and I worked on the nursery....

Well 10:30 rolled around when everyone was supposed to be here, and no one was here. 11:00 rolled around and I went out to get ice. Got back at 11:15 and everyone was there drinking beer in my kitchen. I scooted them out and was waiting for the girls to show up. 12:15 the girls and DH's best friend who was supposed to be in charge of this endeavor show up just as the rest of the crew is leaving. It's muggy, I get that, I am not saying work in the mugginess but there is plenty else you can do around my house- how about finishing the bathroom that has been in progress for 19 months?!

Well the girls and I go up and get started while the boys announce they will go fix the jeep. We finish the entire first coat and I decide to text the guys to see where they are... they are sitting in the driveway drinking and smoking cigars. Now I know he doesn't see his best friend often enough and his best friend is going to Afghanistan soon for his 3rd depolyment. I get they are tryign to spend as much time together as possible but really.... while we are working you are sitting in the driveway fooling around?

We need to go get paint so GF(DH's BFF's GF) and I go to Home Depot. While out the boys keep calling making requests- pick up a video game, grab such and such for dinner. We do this, and come home to the two of them halfway through a bottle of Sambuca.

We go to finish the second coat of paint in the nursery while they go start the bonfire. To their credit they stacked the wood and got the fire going quite impressively. I came out and the two of them continued drinking quite heavily. They were dunk at this point. DH and I have been together 5 years and I have NEVER seen him drunk like this. Buzzed yes, drunk no. Well the night is wrapping up, and the two of them ask to have some chatty time to themselves so GF and I go into the house to pack up their things and leave the boys alone. 15 minutes pass, I look out the back window. BFF looks like he's hunched over puking. We decide to leave them. 10 more minutes pass and we go out. MY DH is puking. At first I thought he was giving me a hard time, but no, he was getting sick to his stomach.

The two of them were totally bombed, BFF fell out of his lawn chair necessitating GF to pick him up. DH goes into the house to shower all the PUKE off him. I start to put the fire out. Well being 7 months pregnant BFF decides I can't do that by myself and HE will take the hose from me and put out the fire.... and ME along with it. He thought it was hillarious to spray me with the hose and I finally went and turned off the water since we were not getting the job done anyhow. He and GF go after trying to get him in the car SEVERAL times. I put out the fire and go into the house to check on DH...

He is passed out on the bathroom floor. Now as I mentioned; 7 months pregnant, 280 pound husband who is drunk and beligerant, it is midnight after I got up at 5 AM and haven't had a moment to sit (or nearly enough to eat). Do you think this is a good situation?! Oh and did I mention that he's ON CALL tonight?! Yeah, the phone rang just after he passed out for the SECOND time and I had to wake him up. NOT COOL.

So here I am setting up to sleep on the couch because he can't go upstairs, he took out my AC and put it in the nursery while we painted so our bedroom is unbearable, and I need to be near the phones incase he gets more on call calls. I am hoping that tomorrow DH wakes up and is doing better.... but I have a feeling I am in for the hangover of a lifetime.

1 comment:

the misfit said...

That's not cool. I hope things looked better in the morning.