Sunday, September 13, 2009

What Comes Next....

That's what DH asked me last night. We're just sitting around getting ready to watch a DVD and he turns to me and asks "what comes next?" I replied "bed." but unfortunately his question was not so basic. He wanted to know what our next big life step is...

He shared that since we've been together I've always had a plan for where we are going. Having a baby was the last thing in my big plan... but he wants to know what's next. I simply do not know. I feel like I am finally seeing the finish line at the end of my marathon and am ready to live. Job I enjoy (check), Master's Degree (check), Home (check), Baby (almost check), contented feeling (check). I am ready to relax and stop the crazy planning that has been my entire life. He is just getting on board and enjoying the planning and goal setting....

I do so love him, but I need a few moments to celebrate coming to the end of so many of my goals... Perhaps the next goal can be his, he can find a job he enjoys, or work towards his next degree... I don't know. All I know is that for 2010 my only goal is to enjoy the hard work and luck we've had over the last couple of years and appreciate my little family. That's what's next for me.... oh after bed that is!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Catching Up

Phew! It seems it doesn't matter that I have cut back on my after school obligations this year, I still have no time to do anything for myself! Maybe it's just that I manage to fill up my time with whatever obligations I am still committed to, or perhaps it is the dreaded 3rd trimester that has me exhausted and unable to function in the evenings. I think it's the latter because since school has begun DH has kicked my butt in cribbage on a regular basis when before, he couldn't touch me!

Not a whole lot is going on (which is why I am amazed I do not have more free time!) Busy with work, the nursery is coming together, I am starting to feel very pregnant, and although I have not started nesting yet, I am trying to keep up with DH who is heck bent on getting the house in shape TODAY. I am going to commit to blogging 3 times a week for the rest of September and October. I am going to go so far as to setting a reminder on my calendar. I miss the writing and I think it's important.... I hope it won't be cheating if I start another post right after this one :-)

Friday, September 4, 2009

My Teacher's Having a Baby

I told my first graders on Tuesday that I am pregnant. For one thing it was obvious and for another many of them already knew (how they knew is beyond me but whatever). Then the e-mails and phone calls started. Actually the questions began at 7:30am on the first day when the first parent walked into my room and exclaimed "YOU"RE PREGNANT?!" The parents are concerned about how much leave I may take (I haven't even decided how much leave I am going to take), who the sub will be, and what that will mean for their child.

Two kids were swapped out of my class the week before school began becuase their parents didn't want them to have to deal with a sub for 12 weeks and another parent has been in contact with both myself and my principal this week wondering if I am the "best fit" to work with their child. I had their child two years ago and I was the best fit then, in fact they threw a fit when they couldn't have me the second year. It's not like pregnancy is catchy. If it was I never would have had to start this blog in the first place.

I am discouraged by the lack of support by the community. I am usually one of the most requested teachers and when I got moved from K-1 this year I had a couple of parents from my K class who were upset about it. It just feels frustrating and combined with the involuntary move to first grade, I have spent the week emotionally exhausted and crying in the bathroom during my breaks. I know it will get better, and once the parents understand that I will find the best possible long term sub for their child, and that I WILL be back in February, and when I am there I will be there 100% as always, I think things will go more smoothly. It was just a trying week and I was surprised at how upset people were that I was pregnant as opposed to being happy for us...

The kids however are beyond excited and are enjoying guessing if it will be a girl baby or boy baby. One of my kids came in this morning and saw me and said "Gee Mrs. G your baby is getting bigger by the minute!" Yesterday one of the kids asked "I just have to know, does it tickle when the baby moves?" or the kid who said "So like, you're going to be a mom?" It's little things like that which make me smile, I just wish the parents would be a little more on board, or at least not anti maternity leave.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

First week complete

I made it. Barely, but I made it. This week we had school T, W, Th and although you may be thinking "3 days, piece of cake" there was no cake anywhere at school and I was wiped out every night. The first night I fell asleep in the bathtub (at 6:00). DH woke me up, I had a bowl of cereal and went to bed. Wednesday I made it until 8 and last night until 9 but that was because I was riding the high of my new couch!

I am physically exhausted, my belly has popped, and mentally I am wiped clean. I do have to say that I am actually glad I am in first grade right now because the first three days were far less physically demanding then they would have been in kindergarten. Seriously, I would have needed DH to pick me up after school if it was like a normal year. PHEW Glad it's over and looking forward to a 4 day weekend. Will be ready to go with a 4 day work week next week. :-)