6 weeks- seriously? Time has taken on an entirely new dimension for me. Nights last forever, and days are gone in a blink, next thing you know your baby is ready for daycare even though you're not. Fortunately though my Christmas present came 3 days early and I found out that I can afford to stay home for 12 full weeks... that puts me at February break so I get a bonus 13th week. Honestly, I cannot imagine sending her to daycare tomorrow. The thought of it brings tears to my eyes.... they may think she's old enough, but I certainly do not. (Will I EVER think she's old enough to be without me? Doubtful).
I am going to get better at updates.... I am finally beginning to feel human again (although the lack of sleep is taking its toll). Hopefully I will begin to blend my new mommy jobs with my old likes and responsibilities and continue making my way through this new journey.